- Create items (BigDog, Board Donation, Car, etc.)
- Create classes (restricted and unrestricted)
- Verify what other data should be created
- Prepare to upload donations
Status Meeting Notes - 12 September 2014
Brent Mosher - solution consulting team, project manager
MarJ Bonita - professional services
Jam Abubakar - professional services
Erin Johansen, TLCS
Kim Gilbert, TLCS
All donor data is uploaded successfully to the system - this was completed by Erin and Kim.
The purpose of this meeting was to prepare the system to upload donations by creating items to represent donation types.
During the meeting MarJ showed the team how to create classes - this was to handle restricted and unrestricted donation types.
Additionally MarJ showed the team how to create items. It was decided to create Non-Inventory Items for Sale with a price of $1 to represent the donation types. As an example, MarJ created the BigDog donation type as an item.
Next Steps
Erin and Kim will create the additional required donation types as items.
Erin and Kim will prepare the donation data for upload.
During the next meeting we will walk through uploading the donation data as well as clean up and hide unnecessary fields on the Cash Sale form.
Next call is Wednesday Sept 17 status call 2 p.m. Pacific time.