Skills taxonomy:
There are 76 common projects needed by nonprofit organizations included in the Competencies Map 1.0. Each
project includes a description that helps explain what a typical project would include and the goals for that
project. The descriptions are intended to provide a general definition; the scope and approach will vary by
nonprofit based on their specific needs, and by the companies supporting the pro bono team delivering their
expertise. These project types should be used as a starting place for planning and not as hard guidelines.
Board Effectiveness Assessment
A board effectiveness assessment project measures a nonprofit’s board capacity and performance. It
typically looks at the board’s governance practices (structure, policies and procedures), stewardship
(mission and fiduciary oversight), membership (roles, training, recruitment, engagement, performance
management, etc.), resource generation (fundraising) and CEO management (succession planning, goal
setting, professional development, spot coaching and evaluation).
Board Recruitment Process Design
A board recruitment process design project helps a nonprofit link their strategic and functional needs to a
process that can reliably produce high-quality and engaged classes of new members. It begins with
designing a method of defining the board’s needs and gaps in their existing membership through
articulating existing roles, responsibilities and expertise. Next steps include the formation or revamping of
a Board Development Committee with a clear charter, an articulated candidate sourcing and review
process, and a recruitment timeline. This work generally concludes with a defined process for orienting
new members to the board to ensure their immediate and sustained engagement. This is a process
design project, not the execution of the plan.