NetSuite has very strong functionality to support house holding. Below we provide a basic house holding model. It is critical that your organization document your householding rules.

Contact Management Configuration



  1. Household Model

***Transactions booked at the sub-customer level will be aggregated automatically at the parent customer level.


2. Sample Householding Procedures

Depending on your individual needs you may implement different procedures.

Individuals are always entered as individual customer records. Individuals are never entered as contact records.

Household containers are company customer records. They never have associated addresses, emails or contact information. Transactions are never booked to households.

Household containers are only created upon creation of the second customer record.


3. Householding Scenarios


 Managing for Duplicate Mailings

A household container is ALWAYS created for every constituent.
All contact management records are recorded at the household level, never at the constituent level.
When a constituent is merged with another into a new household:

  1. Merge constituent 1 and household 1.
  2. Merge constituent 2 and household 2.
  3. Create a new household container and add constituents 1 & 2 as sub customers.