2014-05-14 Meeting notes

2014-05-14 Meeting notes


May 14, 2014



Tony Lim

Abigael Gonida


Child Advocates of CT:

Stacey Sobel

Becky Legette


  1. Project Organization Structure and Responsibilities


Tony Lim – Project Manager

Abigael Gonida – Consultant (primary contact)

Kevin Durand – Consultant (primary contact)

Child Advocates of CT

Stacey Sobel and Becky Legette – Project Managers/primary contacts


2. Project Overview and Scope

Project Overview: To generate saved search reports that provide information about donors (customers) and donations (cash sales).

Project Scope: Deliver at least three (3) saved search reports based on the requirements of Child Advocates of CT to meet reporting needs.

Note: SQL Expressions and Customization of Saved Reports l Financial Reports are out of scope for this project.


3. Program Management

Regular updates on the Project Wiki - https://netsuiteorg.atlassian.net/wiki/display/COM/7.%09Child+Advocates+of+Connecticut+-+Saved+Search


4. Timelines and Next Steps

-Project Team Kick-Off Meeting: May 14, 2014

-Requirements Gathering / Generation of Saved Search Reports: Week of May 19th

-Recurring Meetings: every Thursday at 11am EST starting May 29, 2014

Note: This weekly meeting will cover the demo as to how the search report was created.

-Status/Check-in Meetings: Tony (Project Mgr) will set up a project status meeting – date to be determined.  

-Target date for the Project Completion: Week of June 16, 2014


Action items:

  • Child Advocates of CT:

    1. To provide production access using Full Access role by creating new employee records for the following NetSuite employees:

    Tony Lim: alim@netsuite.com

    Abigael Gonida: agonida@netsuite.com

    Keven Durand: kdurand@netsuite.com

    Note: Providing access to the above employees will NOT count against Child Advocates’ number of user licenses.

     2. To send the reporting saved search requirements including fields that need to show on the search reports during the week of May 19th.

  • Note: Kindly arranged the Search reporting requirements in the order of priority.


  1. To prioritize the Donations from Donors year by year with the following report headings – Donors, Current Year’s Donation, Donations 1 year ago, Donations 2 years ago and so on.

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