5. Ashoka Sahel

5. Ashoka Sahel

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

Grantee Organization Name: Ashoka Sahel

Employee Volunteers: Andrew Alvarez, Ralph Ceazar Averia and Martin Da Rosa

Project Manager: Martin Da Rosa

Project RequestSimple Implementation


  • Request: Ashoka has implemented NetSuite at headquarters. Local staff need support in starting to use NetSuite within their subsidiary, supported by SuiteVolunteers and a team from Ashoka headquarters in Washington DC.
  • Expectation: Volunteer will provide coaching to local staff as they begin to use their NetSuite subsidiary within Ashoka's global implementation. Volunteer will help local staff understand the project roll out, the system and what tasks they need to complete for the local subsidiary to be up and running with NS.

How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki

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  2. Create child pages (click the create button in the header)
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  4. Upload documents for easy access 
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