2014-09-05 Meeting notes : Juma Ventures | Suite Volunteer

2014-09-05 Meeting notes : Juma Ventures | Suite Volunteer



  • NetSuite: EJ, JM and Bruce

  • JUMA: Michael


  • Continuation of Allocation / Budget reports

Discussion items

30 min.

Statistical Allocation

with Dynamic Allocation


1st   Create a statistical account

 2nd  Create a save search


·         1st line item must be count


·         2nd should have a group


3rd   Create a statistical schedule


·         Should be validated / a save search must be validated


·         Trick on date field  =  put letter "T"  then click TAB


·         Then save


·         Wait until the % of  completion is 100%


·         Click on the status "complete"


·         You will see the report


·         Click on the Journal entry


·         You will see a journal entry but this is non-posting


 4th Now Create a dynamic allocation by new allocation schedule


·         Weight source should be your statistical account


·         Allocation Mode should be dynamic allocation


·         Date basis - best practice is "As of Date"


·         Destination - choose an account "expense account" and then choose on a Department then click the "Update Sample Weights"


·         The balance will say that you have a number of employees in that Department

30 min. Budget and Budget ReportsEJ and JM   

1.       Comparison between two periods


·         On the report builder


·         Click on the budget and click on the amount


·         Expose it and rename the label as YTD budget


·         Go to the financial folder


·         Click on amount - name it as YTD actual




2.       To compare the amounts


·         Choose the amount column


·         On the Alternate period range type - choose  "relative to report date"


·         On the Alternate period range - choose "This Period"


·         Choose the budget column


·         On the Alternate period range type - choose  "relative to report date"


·         On the Alternate period range - choose "This Period"


·         Choose the YTD Budget column


·         On the Alternate period range type - choose  "relative to report date"


·         On the Alternate period range - choose "This Fiscal Year"


·         Choose the YTD Actual column


·         On the Alternate period range type - choose  "relative to report date"


·         On the Alternate period range - choose "This Fiscal Year"


·         Click on total




·         Note that you can have a maximum of 30 columns




2.       Financial > Balance sheet


·         You can replace the amount for the "budget  amount" by replacing that column


·         Play around on the reports replacing the columns with your budget and actuals




3.       Balance Forward


·         Accumulated of amounts from the previous period that you can compare to your to date amount.


Action items

  • Expense Report and Credit Cards