Soft Credit Availability in NetSuite

Soft Credit Availability in NetSuite


Use Case: This allows more than 1 customer to share credit in 1 check payment/gift/donation without adding duplicate records.

Sales order of Customer A > Invoice of Customer A > Customer B issues the check payment > Customer A will be disbursing for the check, check payment will be applied to Customer A's invoice. Or,it can also be that there will be 2 or more customers sharing in the check payment made by Customer B, thus, it can be applied to multiple invoices.

Step-by-step guide


1. Navigate to Transactions > Financial > Make Journal Entries and enter the journal entries as follows:

Debit Bank Account 

Credit AR account; Enter Customer A on the Name field.

2. Create another journal entry:

Debit AR account Enter Customer B on the Name field. 

Credit Bank Account

3. Navigate to Transactions > Customers > Accept Customer Payments

a. Enter Customer A

b. Mark the Apply checkbox for both Journal Entry and Invoice

c. (Do the same steps for Customer B)