14. ACME - General Coaching - Newbies

14. ACME - General Coaching - Newbies

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

Grantee Organization Name: ACME

Employee Volunteers: Edward Dalde, Myla Alcera and Alide Dy

Project Manager: To be determined by volunteers

Project Request:  General Coaching - Newbie

  • Request: ACME has new accountants that need to be coached on using the system.
  • Expectation: Volunteer will answer questions and direct accounts toward resources that can help them get up to speed more quickly.

How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki

  1. Edit this page (click the edit button top right)
  2. Create child pages (click the create button in the header)
  3. Record meeting notes
  4. Upload documents for easy access 
Please note the wiki is live on the web, accessible by ANYONE, so chose what you share accordingly.

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