20. TechSoup Global - General Coaching - Expert
20. TechSoup Global - General Coaching - Expert
SuiteVolunteer Project Overview
Grantee Organization Name: TechSoup Global
Employee Volunteers: Welch, Mark; Muhn, Penny Sehu; Pereyras, Michelle
Project Manager: Pereyras, Michelle
Project Request: General Coaching - Expert
- Request: TechSoup Global needs a more efficient process for their grant managers to eliminate the redundant data entry for Finance and to eliminate the email distribution of several reports monthly.
- Expectation: Volunteer will help them to be able to have grant managers be the approvers for Purchase Requests/Orders and Expense Reports that use grant funds, and to have supervisors be the approvers for Purchase Requests/Orders and Expense Reports that use general operating funds.
How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki
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