16. Port Washington - Simple Implementation

16. Port Washington - Simple Implementation

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview





Grantee Name : Port Washington (Parent Resource Center) – Danielle Goodsell

Volunteer Name(s): Eugene Zabala, Elizabeth Claitor, Maria Celina Bacani

Customer #: 3725049

Account Manager Name: Mariel N Bertumen

Project Type (i.e. Dashboard): Simple Implementation


Part One: Background


  • What does your organization do and how do you do it?

The Parent Resource Center (PRC) is a Parent CO-OP offering classes for pre-school aged children (with and without caregivers) and drop-off baby-sitting along with parent university workshops and runs events contributing to the fabric of Port Washington community. The PRC funds scholarships for preschool classes for low income families.


  • What is your role within the organization?



  • How long have you used NetSuite – what do you use it for? (don’t      assume they use the same instance of NS that you use)

They will just start using NetSuite after this implementation.


  • Who else on your staff uses NetSuite?

Shelly Persaud


  • Contacts:  Are there other      decision makers for this project? Who will ensure this project is      successful after the SuiteVolunteer program is over?

Shelly Persaud


Part Two: Project Specifications


  • Describe      what the project is that you were accepted for:

Simple Implementation


  • What      are you hoping to achieve from this project?
  1. To be able to configure NetSuite in a manner that would help the organization speed up data and report generation.
  2. To be able to acquire basic knowledge and understanding on how to properly utilize the use of NetSuite in certain areas that are within the scope of this project.


  • What challenge will this project help you overcome?
  1. Centralization of data needed in the day to day activity of the organization.
  2. Faster data or report generation.


  • What training or knowledge do you think you’ll need to use these deliverables?

NetSuite Essentials


  • What is your expected outcome from this project (how would you define success)?
  1. Once NetSuite is configured and a certain degree of confidence and knowledge has been acquired by the users.
  • Is      there any field or nonprofit sector knowledge that I need to know to      complete this project?



Part Three: Communication - Working Relationship

  • How      do you like to share information? Email/Phone & Webex?

Email/Phone & Webex


  • What      is a good day/time for us to meet for check-ins?

Monday to Friday 10am – 2pm


  • What      time zone do you work in?

Eastern Time


  • What      is a reasonable amount of time for a reply (24-48 hours?)

Within 24-48 hours.


Parts 4 should be drafted by the volunteers after the call


Part Four: Scope – (i.e. What all parties agree will/will not be included in the project)


Included in the Simple Implementation project are the following processes: 

  1. 1.       Record to Report,
  2. 2.        Procure to Pay/Return to Debit
  3. 3.       Order to Cash/ Return to Credit
  4. 4.       Design to Build
  5. 5.       Lead to Quote

Excluded in this project are the following processes:

  1. 1.       Web to Order
  2. 2.       Marketing to ROI
  3. 3.       Resource to Project
  4. 4.       Project to Cash
  5. 5.       Call to Resolution
  6. 6.       Hire to Pay
  7. 7.       Customization, workflows and the like are also excluded in this project. However grantee may opt to apply for another grant that would cover the said requirements if needed.

Define what is in Scope:

  • As discussed with the grantee the following steps will be done in order to quickly facilitate simple project implementation:
  1. Volunteers will provide workbook questionnaire to grantee, said workbook will be the basis of the volunteers on how they would configure NetSuite offline.
  2. Grantee will send the reply to the workbook questionnaire at least after a week that it has been provided to them.
  3. Volunteers will start configuring NetSuite based on the grantee’s reply in the questionnaires.
  4. Volunteers will schedule a walkthrough with the grantee to explain the configuration done and to settle any issues, problems or concerns identified in the configuration.
  5. After finalization of the configuration with the grantee, volunteers will schedule a process walkthrough with the grantee.
  6. Volunteer will also provide the walkthrough in the data import but it would be the grantee’s responsibility to do the importation of their data.




Define what is out of Scope:

  • The following are out of scope:
  1. 1.       Web to Order
  2. 2.       Marketing to ROI
  3. 3.       Resource to Project
  4. 4.       Project to Cash
  5. 5.       Call to Resolution
  6. 6.       Hire to Pay
  7. 7.       Customization, workflows and the like are also excluded in this project. However grantee may opt to apply for another grant that would cover the said requirements if needed.


Outline Completion Criteria:

  • The project is considered complete once the grantee has accepted configurations done in their NetSuite and is able to work through the processes. 

Project Schedule



Identify the target deliverables and when they should be completed. Use the project template you were provided for guidance. Keep it simple—this can and will change!


TIMELINE/ DELIVERABLES Example (feel free to add/delete items):





May 15, 2014


Project   Kick-off

May 21, 2014

Celina & Eugene

Send Workbook   to Grantee.

May 28, 2014


Return   Workbook with reply to questionnaires.

May 29 – June 8, 2014

Elizabeth & Celina

Offline   Configurations

June 9, 2014

Celina and Danielle & Shelly



Company     Information


Enable     Features


General     Preferences


Setup     Printing, Fax and Email


Rename     Records/Transactions


Setup     Auto-Generated Numbers


Setup     Accounting


Setup Chart     of Accounts


Setup     Departments


Setup     Classes


Setup Locations


Manage     Accounting Periods


June 12, 2014

Elizabeth and Danielle & Shelly



Inventory     Items


Non-Inventory,     Service, Other Charge


Item     Groups, Assemblies, and Kits


Discounts     and Markups


Item     Costing


Price     Levels


Price     Groups


Quantity Pricing


Inventory     Replenishment


Pricing     Schedules (Vendors and Customers)


Custom     Entity Fields












Basic     Projects


Setup     Duplicate Detection




Bulk Merge


June 13, 2014

Celina and Danielle & Shelly



Standard     Entries


Recurring,     Reversing Entries (memorized transactions)


Import     Template


Budget     Interface


Copy Budget


Import     Budget


Financial     Reporting Sections and Layouts


Year End     Close


Financial     Ratios


Bank     Accounts


Bank Transfers




Manual Bank     Reconciliations


Online Bank     Reconciliations


Credit Card     Reconciliations


June 16, 2014

Celina and Danielle & Shelly



Custom     Sales Order Forms


Cash Sales


Sales     Orders


Fulfillment     Process




Accept     Customer Payments


Credit Card     Processing


Credit Memo


Refunding     Cash Sales


Custom PO     Forms


Purchase     Bills (Purchase Orders)


Pay Bills     (Vendor Bills)


Vendor     Returns


Purchase     Credits


Print     Checks


June 19, 2014

Elizabeth and Danielle & Shelly



Lead Generation


Lead     Sources


Lead     Routing Rules


Sales     Territories


Lead and     Prospect Records






Quotes     (Estimates)




Forecast     Inputs


Sales Rep     Forecasts


Sales     Manager Forecast


June 30, 2014

Elizabeth /Celina and Danielle & Shelly







Printing     Mailing Labels


Mass     Updates




Dashboard     Basics


Roles and     Permissions


Incorporating     Searches and Reports


Publishing     and Assigning to Roles


Review Role     and Dashboard Requirements


Develop     Role


Develop     Dashboard


June 30, 2014

Elizabeth /Celina and Danielle & Shelly

Data Migration/Final Walkthrough

June 30, 2014

Eugene & Danielle

Project Sign-off.


Grantee Organization Name: Port Washington Parent Resource Center

Employee Volunteers: Maria Celina Bacani, Elizabeth Claitor, Eugene Zabala

Project Manager: Eugene Zabala

Project Request:  General Coaching- Newbie Simple Implementation

  • Request: Port Washington Parent Resource Center just finished the NetSuite Essentials training and needs to be coached on using and administering the system more effectively.
  • Expectation: Volunteer will assist and coach user to implement and use the system with confidence and effectively.

How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki

  1. Edit this page (click the edit button top right)
  2. Create child pages (click the create button in the header)
  3. Record meeting notes
  4. Upload documents for easy access 
Please note the wiki is live on the web, accessible by ANYONE, so chose what you share accordingly.