10. Gerson Institute

10. Gerson Institute

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

Grantee Organization Name: Gerson Institute

Employee Volunteers: James Hay, Jeremy Cook and Maria Madelaine Mercado

Project Manager: Maria Madelaine Mercado

Project RequestCustomization & Scripting


  • Request: Gerson Institute is looking to increase the percentage of its budget coming from their fundraising activities within the next 3 years. In order to accomplish this, they need to establish fundraising processes in NetSuite as quickly as possible.
  • Expectation: Volunteers to work with their saved searches within the SuiteDonor bundle and script those identified fields to populate automatically.

How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki

  1. Edit this page (click the edit button top right)
  2. Create child pages (click the create button in the header)
  3. Record meeting notes
  4. Upload documents for easy access 
Please note the wiki is live on the web, accessible by ANYONE, so chose what you share accordingly.