

Please post your questions as comments to this page and we will update with answers throughout the pilot period.


Questions on Session 1:

Locations - If I have only one office, do I need to set up locations?

If you have only one office location, you still need to set it up as one location in Netsuite.  This is the location you are doing business out of. 
You can still have donors/subscribers/customers/constituents in other places and set up locations and territories for them later on when we talk about customer records.

Payroll - If I plan on bringing in payroll information later on, do I need to check the settings for payroll now?

There are multiple ways to bring in payroll information.  You could bring in staff hours and time or just journal entries.  If you plan to use journal entries, you won't need to check that box at all.  If you plan to bring in hours and time, you can come back and check the box when you are ready to begin setting up payroll (after we complete the basic setup in this webinar series).

Questions on Session 2:

Bank accounts - where does this sit under the UCOA Parent structure?

Bank accounts (and a few others) were among the accounts that already existed in your new Netsuite account that we renamed in Session 1.  They are part of your UCOA parent structure, and can be used as parent accounts in your child import file.  Be careful to use the same naming format as the other parent accounts listed in the file!

Entering an Item - Can I create an item manually, either now or later, if I don't have an exported list of items at this time?

Yes, you can enter an item manually, by going to the Lists --> Accounting --> Items --> New.

Fields not standard to Netsuite - Should I add custom fields to a Netsuite forms such as Items or Customer before I import my data?

You can add fields for key data points first.  You can also import some of the fields now, and then reimport (setting it to update rather than replace the records) later after you have added custom fields.

ID fields from other systems - My old system has an ID field that we use and want to have going forward.  How would I move this to Netsuite?

You can import your old system's ID field as the "External ID" in Netsuite.  Netsuite also has an "Internal ID" field that is generated going forward.  You can make changes to how the Internal ID populates by going to Setup --> Company --> Auto-Generated Numbers.

UCOA - What if I run out of accounts in a section?

If you run out of accounts in a particular subsection of the UCOA, the best way to handle this is to use the next unused set of numbers, and make sure they all have the appropriate parent account.  Most of what Netsuite uses for creating reports is done through the names nad parenting structure, not the account numbers.  We recommend the UCOA numbering structure to make generating FASB reports easier.

Questions on Session 4:

In-Kind Donations - How do I handle these in NetSuite?

We have some high-level information here on Tracking In-kind Donations.