JUMA Ventures Q3 Project Brief Timeline

JUMA Ventures Q3 Project Brief Timeline

Grantee Name (Organization & Individual): JUMA Ventures
Volunteer Name(s): Bruce Kemp, Edward Jozen Dalde & John Mark Esteron
Customer Number (NSCorp): 3536524 JUMA Ventures
Account Manager Name (Sales Rep): Alex Manoogian
Project Type (i.e. Dashboard): General Coaching
Part One: Background
JUMA Ventures is a national nonprofit organization serving more than 1,200 low-income students in six cities of USA by creating youth development programs to ensure that these young people achieve and complete a four-year college degree. JUMA does this in partnership with various generous organizations and individuals who take time in investing in their advocacies by donations, sponsorship and coaching.
JUMA has been using NetSuite since 2013. Initial NetSuite involvement includes Trainings such as Suite Analytics & Essentials, Implementation Package, and Consulting Services (Grants).
Main point person in JUMA is Mr. Michael Chion, company's accountant.
Part Two: Project Specifications

  • Describe what the project is that you were accepted for:

Cultivate JUMA's knowledge of NetSuite standard features specifically Allocations, Budgets and Expense Reports by Coaching/Tutoring, showing "how-to" and recommending best practices in each of these features.

  • What is your expected outcome from this project (how would you define success)?

This is a consultancy type of engagement.
Consultants need to illustrate and do walkthroughs of NetSuite's 'out-of-the-box' components (Allocation, Budgets and Expense Reports). No reporting and customization is needed.
The expected outcome of this project is for JUMA to attain confidence and become well versed in using the functionalities mentioned above.

  • Is there any field or nonprofit sector knowledge that I need to know to complete this project?

Part Three: Communication - Working Relationship

  • How do you like to share information? Email/Phone & WebEx?

Email, Phone and WebEx sessions

  • What is a good day/time for us to meet for check-ins?

Project Team and JUMA agreed to meet for at most 2 hours a week, one hour every session/agenda. Preferred time of the day is 1:00 PM PST/ 4:00 PM EST.

Part Four: Scope
Define what is in Scope:

  • Review the current process of JUMA for Allocations, Budgets and Expense Reporting.

  • NS Project Team will initiate 30 – 1 hr. WebEx Meeting for each session covering the above topics. The meeting will encompass 'What is Current', 'what is Standard' and 'what is recommended'. These meetings will be led by Edward or John Mark wherein at least one of them will be in attendance during the call together with Bruce.

  • NS Project Team, if time and resources will allow, could help JUMA with other queries about Credit Cards, Sticky Notes App, Journal Entries for Employees, and Printed Checks Alert.

Define what is out of Scope:

  • This project will not include any customizations and reporting whether standard or saved searches.

Outline Completion Criteria:

  • The project is considered complete if consultant will be able to deliver the following standard usability walkthroughs/sessions for JUMA (Allocations, Budgets, and Expense Reports) as well as recommend best practices.

JUMA Ventures
Project Timeline





Bruce, EJ, JM

Introduction Call


Michael & NS Team

Scoping and Define Timeline


NS Team

Project Brief and Timeline Completion



Deadline for Grantee Sign Off for Project Brief and Timeline

8/18 - 8/22


Preparation Week

8/25 – 8/29

Michael & NS Team
Consultant: TBD

First Week: Two Sessions
Agenda: Budgets

9/1 – 9/5

Michael & NS Team
Consultant: TBD

Second Week: Two Sessions
Agenda: Budgets & Allocation

9/8 – 9/12

Michael & NS Team
Consultant: TBD

Third Week: Two Sessions
Agenda: Allocations & Expense Reports

9/15 – 9/19

Michael & NS Team

Fourth Week: Two Sessions
Agenda: Expense Reports & Others


Michael & NS Team

*_Final Deliverables

Project Sign Off_*



Survey/ feedback given to NS.org Within 30 days of project completion