Project Deliverables

Project Deliverables

1.        In the registration form (PP1), when the city field is entered, the state and the country must come automatically.
  • list of all the states of all the countries is too big to be handled in the HTML form


2.        In the online registration form, when a patient id is entered, if the id already exists, an error message must be displayed to prevent duplicate entry.
  • testing prototypes
3.        The list/record field should display as a radio button in a HTML online form.
  • this behaviour is a core feature of Netsuite,
4.        A mulitiselect field should display as a checkbox in a HTML online form.
  • this behaviour is a core feature of Netsuite,
5.        When an online form is filled, a confirmation alert (with an OK and a Cancel option) must be displayed to avoid accidental submissions.
7.        We have a situation in India where purchase tax and sales tax varies from state to state, as also for inter-state purchases and sales. For this, will creating tax groups help? Can you please help me understand the use of tax groups in NS?
  • Volunteer and grantee held a webex meeting to discuss the details. Volunteer also sent information about the process to the grantee via email.

8.        When a patient ID is given in an online form, the following fields must come automatically.

•        Primary Physician’s name: This is a record (/list )    data type.

•        TSD: This is a date field.

•        OPT/IPT #: This is a text data type.

•        Gender: This a list data type

•        Age:  This is a number data type.

10.        We have a form called PCT (Patient Consultation Track) which tracks the opportunity details apart from other info. The need is to open an ‘Opportunity’ record on PCT save with all the info in the PCT showing in the Opportunity record.