Matching Gifts

Matching Gifts

A matching gift, also known as a matching fund or matching donation is a charitable gift made toward a non-profit organization by a matching donor under the provision that an original donor (e.g., an employee) first makes a gift toward that organization.

Scenario: Usually, matching gifts are equal to the amount given by the original donor, i.e. a 1:1 ratio. For example, if a donor makes a gift of $100 to an organization, the matching company will also give $100, making the total gift worth $200.

Note: Populating the fields on the constituent and having a few matching gifts available is all that's necessary for the existing functionality.

  1. On the Constituent record (using the NOF-Donor Form) > Fundraising tab > Employer Matching

    1. Employer Matches

    2. Matching Employer

    3. Employer Match Notes

  2. On a Pledge record > Matching Gifts tab

    1. Matching Gift Eligible

    2. Matching Employer

    3. Matching Transaction

    4. Matching Gift Notes