2014-08-18 Meeting notes

2014-08-18 Meeting notes




Tony Lim – Project Manager

Mark Welch – Consultant (primary contact)

Matthew Guggemos – Consultant (primary contact)

Russell Cull - Consultant (primary contact)

Bay Area Video Coalition:

Vicki Nunez – Project Managers/primary contact

Carol Varney

Project Overview and Scope

Project Overview:

- Assistance in generating payroll reporting requirements for upper management.

- Provide tips on how to better use NetSuite to become effective and efficient.

Project Scope:

- Assist in generating at least two or three (2-3) payroll reports based on the requirements of Bay Area Video Coalition to meet their management reporting needs.

- To provide a training on how to customize a saved report  and saved searches.

Note: SQL Expressions and Customization of Financial Reports are out of scope for this project.

Program Management

Regular updates on the Project Wiki:

7. Bay Area Video Coalition

Timelines and Next Steps:

-Project Team Kick-Off Meeting: August 18, 2014

-Requirements Gathering: Week of August 18th

-Generation of Saved or Search Reports: Week of August 25th

-Recurring Weekly/Status Meetings: TBD (starting the week of August 25th either Thursday or Friday)

-Target date for the Project Completion: September 19, 2014

Action items:

Bay Area Video Coalition:

 1.  To provide production access to the following NetSuite employees:

Tony – alim@netsuite.com

Mark – mwelch@netsuite.com

Matthew – mguggemos@netsuite.com

Russell – rcull@netsuite.com

 2.  To send example payroll reports for NetSuite reference.

 3.  To list Payroll reporting requirements in the order of priority including fields or custom fields that they would like to see on the custom saved or search report.



 1.  Tony Lim will check the availability of NetSuite team to schedule next week's team meeting as well as the training schedule.