EdTec Inc. - Saved Searches/ Custom Lists

EdTec Inc. - Saved Searches/ Custom Lists

Q1 Project Completion

Per James via email: Our project for Q1 is completed.  Gang researched a creative solution for our reporting needs, and implemented a “budget vs. actual summary” custom portlet that we are testing, but it looks very promising.  We deeply appreciate his time, commitment, engagement and expertise with us on our project.  Our project request did not have an easy, out-of-the-box solution, but he continued to search and experiment to find a solution to our school’s unique needs.  In addition, I believe that we lost Barry early on, so Gang had to shoulder the workload of two SuiteVolunteers.  We have received everything we need from Gang for the Q1 project, and if possible, would like to continue this project in a future quarter.  I will also complete and submit the Q1 survey shortly.

3/14/2014 Meeting


Gang, James


  • Gang informed James that Barry has left NetSuite and Gang is now the only volunteer on this project.
  • Gang explained the the approach he's going to take to implement the project. An internal SuiteScript api function nlapiRunReport() will be used to execute the "Budget vs Actual" report and retrieve the result data. Since this is not a published API, there is a theoretical possibility that it will be removed by NetSuite in the future although the possibility is very low. James understood the risk and was ok with this approach.
  • Gang demoed a "proof-of-concept" portlet to James and gathered some feedback. We agreed that
    • The final deliverable should display the data in a lower level in the hierarchy.
    • The 4 columns in the portlet are acceptable.
    • It's ok to use script parameters to set the start and end period.
    • It's ok to use script parameters to set the threshold in order to highlight alerting data.

Action Items

  • James will show the portlet to EdTec CFO and discuss the detailed requirements.
  • James will send Gang the requirements by the end of 3/17.

2/20/2014 Meeting Note


Barry, Gang, James

  • James introduced the EdTec organization and their operation and main usage of Netsuite product
  • The most desired deliverable of this project is a saved search based portlet that displays the high level information on the Budget vs Actual report. And from the portlet, ideally user could drill down into the next level details.
  • We agreed that the threshold/highlighting feature mentioned in the original project document might be hard to implement. We can lower the priority for that.

Action Items

  • Barry and Gang will do some investigation about the feasibility of the work.
  • James will add Barry and Gang as admin users in their sandbox account and import some data into the account.



SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

Grantee seeks advice on achieving their ideal state. In a perfect world, we would be able to set thresholds for each major budget category, and display expenses that are going over budget by that threshold. Second best would be to have a single threshold (i.e. 10%) and display those that go over in a custom search, report or portlet.  

Volunteer will review grantee's requirements, determine whether the requirements can be met and provide support on configuring NetSuite to meet the requirements.

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