Seen2Help - General Coaching (for Newbies)

Seen2Help - General Coaching (for Newbies)

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

  • Grantee wants to use NetSuite CRM to create a customer list and the help the organization better forecast revenue. 

Volunteer will provide CRM coaching, helping grantee determine what they need to do to accomplish their goals and providing advice on executing the steps identified.

How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki

  1. Edit this page (click the edit button top right)
  2. Create child pages (click the create button in the header)
  3. Record meeting notes
  4. Upload documents for easy access 
Please note the wiki is live on the web, accessible by ANYONE, so chose what you share accordingly.


We had a kick-off meeting in the second week of February. During this meeting, we arranged a convenient time for Seen2Help to have a demonstration of NetSuite so they can best gauge what they hope to achieve from the CRM customisations.

This demo was arranged for 19th February and went ahead as planned. It lasted a couple of hours and we gave them a broad overview of NetSuite, and it’s potential for them.

The point of the demo was so they could get a better understand as to what they can do with the system, and to allow them to decide precisely what CRM changes they wish to make.

Since then, Seen2Help have come back to us with their requirements. We are now arranging a date to meet in order to complete the work.

Project Update 11th March 2014:

Seen2Help are visiting us at our offices in Stafford for the day on the 27th March 2014 in order to complete the whole scope.

The intention is to empower Seen2Help to allow them to gain the knowledge required to in order to not only complete the originally requested work, but also to further customise NetSuite so that any future customisations may be carried out internally.

Project Update 27th March 2014:

Seen2Help visited our offices in Stafford today (27th March 2014) where we completed a day of extensive NetSuite Training with them.

Areas covered today included:

  • Lead to Cash process
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Setting up Customer Stages and Statuses
  • Setting up SFA
  • Transaction PDF Layouts
  • Transaction Forms
  • CRM Groups
  • Employee and User Management
  • Standard Reporting
  • Import CSV Records

At the end of the session today, Seen2Help were extremely grateful and felt they had learned so much more about NetSuite and how it works.