training4changeS - Simple Implementation

training4changeS - Simple Implementation

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

Grantee needs to implement NetSuite for CRM (specifically donor management/ fundraising) 

Volunteer will work with the grantee to get CRM data into NetSuite in a usable format to meet the organization's priorities.



Grantee Name (org & individual): Training4ChangeS.org - Daniel Thomae, Director

Volunteer Name(s): Eugene Zabala, Wilbert Jonathan B. Efondo, Shimero Jainga

Customer #: 3825908

Account Manager Name: Erin Dieterich, Rhoda Navarro

Project Type (i.e. Dashboard): Simple Implementation

Training4changeS - Project Brief and Schedule - Final.pdf




Business Requirements

• Training4Changes is a non-profit organization that provides leadership and skills training for South African youth. They use futsal (hard court football) as a way to integrate the youths’ lifestyles and draw them into safer environments that enhance life growth. They have various programs that teach life skills and futsal, as well as training for coaches involved with the youth.

• As such, the not-for-profit organization has donors that support its mission. Most of these are based in the United States.

• The organization deals with its donors in a more relational way, instead of transactional. This means they nurture the relationship through continued contact and communication, using phone, email, instant messaging, snail mail, and other types of communication.

• So far, they have around a hundred active donors.

• The organization will need a system that will keep track of donors and their donations. Basically a fundraising system. Details will be discussed in configuration sessions.

• Training4Changes will have three full-time employees who will use the system.

• Daniel Thomae has gone through the Netsuite Essentials Training in December 2013.


In Scope

Overview, Navigation, and Setup

       Review Netsuite Setup and related preferences set up.

       Navigation, menu options and report overview.

Customer Relationship Management

       The Netsuite volunteer will guide the grantee on basic customer record setup, configuration and management.

       The volunteer will guide on how to create, configure, and management contacts.

       The volunteer will teach the grantee on basic activity management, such as phone calls, messages, tasks, calendar events, and notes.

       The Netsuite volunteer will provide an overview of customer-related reports.


       The NetSuite volunteer will provide the best practices for creating chart of accounts and setting up the general ledger system, including general accounting setup, accounting period management, setup and configuration of account balances, and overview of the basic financial reports.

       The volunteer will walk the user through creating and maintenance of financial segmentation such as departments, locations, and classes.

       The volunteer will teach the journal entry process as well as budgets.

       The volunteer will guide the grantee on the creation and maintenance of Accounts Receivable transactions, like customer invoices, payments, and credit memos.

       The volunteer will teach the grantee on creating and maintaining Accounts Payable transactions, such as bills, check payments, and vendor credits.

Dashboards and Configuration

       The Netsuite volunteer will teach grantee on how to configure dashboards and portlets.


       The Netsuite volunteer will provide guidance to the grantee on creating custom fields and forms wherever applicable.

Data Migration

       The NetSuite volunteer will provide the grantee a high-level overview of Netsuite’s data import process.


Out of Scope

       Order Management, Sales Force Automation, Purchasing, Item Management, Donor Management Bundle, User Training


Completion Criteria

       The project is complete when the volunteer has provided guidance to the grantee on the aforementioned items in-scope.

       Basically the grantee’s measure of success is when they are able to track their donors, their transactions with them, and their communications in an easy and effective way.

Project Schedule at a Glance (tentative)

  • Introductory Call - February 12
  • Scoping Document Delivery & Sign-off - March 1
  • Configuration Sessions - March 5 – March 21
  • User Acceptance Testing - March 24 – March 28
  • Go-Live - March 31

Note:   Please see the project scoping and schedule document, thanks!


Black-out Dates

  • Shimero - PTO on Feb. 20 & 21, March 28 - 31
  • Eugene - ???
  • Wilbert Jonathan - ???
  • Daniel - Feb. 25, March 4 (South Africa)


Contact Numbers


Full Project Schedule 







Feb.   12, 2014

Volunteer   and Grantee

Introduction   Call



Feb.   21


Volunteer   delivers completed project brief & timeline to grantee



Feb.   21 – 26


Grantee   signs off on project brief & timeline

In   progress


March  7

Grantee   & Volunteer

Session   #1

  1. 1.      Overview,   Navigation, and Setup
  2. 2.      Accounting   Setup:  Setup, CoA and Segmentation,   Journal Entries



March   12

Grantee   & Volunteer

Session   #2

  1. 1.      Customer   Relationship Management and Customized Donor Management System (including A/R   and Items)



March 14

Grantee   & Volunteer

Session #3

  1. 1.      Reports
  2. 2.      Dashboards   and Configuration
  3. 3.      Data   Migration (Customers)



March 7-31

Grantee   & Volunteer

Ad   hoc Sessions

  1. 1.      Other   questions and concerns not covered in the regular sessions
  2. 2.      Deliverable   items
  3. 3.      Volunteer-assisted user testing



March   31

Grantee   & Volunteer

Project   Completion





Survey/   feedback given to NS.org



How to Use the SuiteVolunteer Project Wiki

  1. Edit this page (click the edit button top right)
  2. Create child pages (click the create button in the header)
  3. Record meeting notes
  4. Upload documents for easy access 
Please note the wiki is live on the web, accessible by ANYONE, so chose what you share accordingly.