salaUno - Saved Searches/ Custom Lists

salaUno - Saved Searches/ Custom Lists

SuiteVolunteer Project Overview

Grantee has implemented with out-of-the-box reporting. They would like to customize reporting more in line with their goals. 

Volunteer will review reporting goals, identify new reports desired, make implementation recommendations and support implementation of recommendations as time allows.


SalaUno's Objectives, per Angelica and Juan Carlos:

1. Funnel Analysis- We would like a report that shows the stage where the patients are at depending on the campaign that they came through. For example, we have a report called VC-Date arrived at Clinic that shows the number of people that came to the clinic from a Vision Center. The idea is to do something similar but from all marketing campaigns. The report should also include the revenues so that we can calculate the ROI.

2. Calls- We are currently starting our Contact Center but know that there are many CRM tools from Netsuite that we are not currently using. We would like to make a report that shows the calls made, the outcome of the call, when we have to re-call a patient and the part of the process they are in. This way we can also measure the effectiveness of the call center.

3. Partner Center performance- We are using partner center portals for our strategic allies to upload the patients they see outside the clinic. We have a tab that asks the patients' diagnosis with checkboxes. We need a report or a search that counts the checkboxes to know how many patients are being sent from what alliance and with what diagnosis.