CommonWorks Meeting Minutes 2.28.2014

CommonWorks Meeting Minutes 2.28.2014

Meeting Agenda: Restructuring Departments / Restructuring Subsidiaries / Approval processes
Attendees:  Kevin Graves, Nathan Mariner, Jeff Lee and Jean Rabang
Dates and Times: As scheduled the Project Schedule plan
Meeting Summary:

  1. Restructuring Departments

Dilemma: Currently, CommonWorks has structured Departments in such a way that "Persons Served" (Entity fields) are partners that needs to be related to certain transactions in a report. As Departments can be used for this purpose, partners are in a long list, will have more additions to come in the next few years. Departments will then might cause slowdown of reports processing in the long run.

  1. Custom Field and Forms Customization
    • Create a custom field to the Customer/Vendor record that will distinguish to the entire Entities list. This field can be a checkbox such as "Person Served?."
    • Create a custom field to the transactions that will be affected by Person Served. The Custom field will be a List/Record type that will source the Entities, Person Served? Checkbox=True.
    • When you draft your reports and searches, pull out the Custom field List/Record type to be included in the columnars.
  2. Use Locations. Since you are currently not using Locations, you can just leverage the use of this. However, Locations are subsidiary specific, and may have conflict on the transaction that you will draft.

Resolution: Kevin is still deciding whether to restructure as recommended.

  1. Restructuring Subsidiaries:

Dilemma: Subsidiaries are structured in such a way that these will serve as restrictions for who will have access for the Bank accounts.
Recommendation: Leverage the use of Departments and restructuring of Roles for Department employee restrictions.
Resolution: Kevin will review the current hierarchies and permission, and will have to decide if Departments will be utilized.

  1. Approval processes and other issues:
    1. On Vendor Bills or Journals:

Dilemma: An approved Vendor Bill would have to go back to the Approver whenever there are changes/updates to it. Standard NetSuite will not be able to allow any person who do not have permission to Edit to revise any changes to the Bill once it gets approved.
Recommendation: As the same person who drafted is the same person who would be also give the permission to edit the Bill once it gets approved, a workflow solution will work best to manage this. However, since custom workflows is not-in scope currently, we will be escalating to Rhoda/Erin/AMO for any guidance.
Workaround: We created a custom search in such that it will send an alert to the Approver/Immediate supervisor to any changes done to a previously approved Bill. The saved search will have the email alert triggers and the criteria that has as follows:
We mimicked the flow and is working properly granting the right criteria and emails triggers are setup.
We made sure that the Custom Searches are attached and showing the Dashboard > Reminders porltet.

    1. On Approved Journal Entry that are sent an alert to those who submitted for approval:
  • Dilemma: For Vendor Bills, once an Bill is approved, the approval sends a notification to those who submit. The same notification is preferred in JE.
  • Solution: We created a custom search in such that it will send an alert, once approved, to those who submitted for approval. The saved search will have the email alert triggers and the criteria that has as follows

We mimicked the flow and is working properly granting the right criteria and emails triggers are setup.
We made sure that the Custom Searches are attached and showing the Dashboard > Reminders porltet.

    1. On GL impact when Journal Entry is yet on Pending Approval.
      • Dilemma: No GL impact once JE is submitted for Approval.
      • Solution: We cannot see a financial impact if the dollar amounts is zero. Make sure that it has a value >0.
    2. On GL impact when Journal Entry is yet on Pending Approval, but will add up to the Approved JEs that have already financial impact.
      • Dilemma: NetSuite cannot combine in a report impacting and non-impacting transactions, as preferred, in an account registry or a GL.
      • Recommendation: Custom search will be created to accumulate all the debit and credit effect of an Account, whether with financial or non-financial impact. However, it was preferred by Kevin to have a running balance. As such, we will escalate to Rhoda/Erin/AMO for guidance and estimation, as such formula can be done in a script, special SQL solution. For now, the seach we created will facilitate the need as of the moment.
    3. On Approvals for Checks
      • Dilemma: There is no standard NetSuite approval process for Checks, before the fact.
      • Recommendation: A scripting/workflow scoping can accommodate, however needs escalation to Rhoda/Erin/AMO for guidance and estimation.
      • Workaround: Create an after-the-fact, check and balance.
        • A custom field in the Check will be assigned for the Reviewer.
        • The Reviewer tags the checks once they are reviewed.
        • Create a custom search that will capture un-reviewed checks in a given period in time.
        • Un-reviewed checks in a given period of time will send an alert to pertinent hierarchies/authorities in the organization.

Action Items:
As italicized in the document.