2014-03-26 Meeting Notes
2014-03-26 Meeting Notes
March 26, 2014
Jan Pabellon
- Gem Domondon
- Leah Romano
- Discuss final deliverables for Colayco
Discussion items
- Given the time, we agreed to just do one more meeting with them—provide general coaching tips and guide on how to setup their account and enter their leads into NetSuite
- We hope to invite Guita to just visit our office tentatively on Tuesday (since Guita has been at the NS Manila office before) so as to facilitate better communication/interaction
- Ron has already provided the template/guide, so the 3 of us here in Manila will take on setting the meeting
- The meeting, scheduled tentatively on Tue morning next week for 2 hours, will comprise 3 parts:
- Overview of CRM/CRM functionality in NetSuite, general best practices/guides—to be handled by Jan
- Demo of importing leads, manually entering a lead (both for B2B and B2C leads)—to be handled by Gem
- After-meeting summary/guide/links to Help Center/SuiteAnswers—to be handled by Leah
- Afterwards we will just recommend that Colayco Foundation:
- Request for NetSuite Essentials training from their NS.org account manager
- Request for a Q2 SuiteVolunteer grant again to cover other areas of the product
Action items
- Jan to confirm with Colayco Foundation if they are free to come to the office Tue next week
- Jan to start drafting the presentation for Tuesday
- Gem to set up basic lead management in their account, import and enter sample lead records
- Leah to start compiling useful links to articles and videos regarding lead management in NetSuite SuiteAnswers/Help Center
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